The Graveyard Apartment

An email that this digital library book will be returned soon motivated me to start this book. I am the type of reader who reads multiple books at once. I was also reading Aimee Bender's Girl in A Flammable Skirt and Brenda Novak's Until You Loved Me me when I got the email that The Graveyard Apartment will be returned in 2 days which made me realize I needed to abandon other books to read this one.
Then there was the issue that if the day I had left was on the weekend I would have finished a suspenseful 334 page book easily within 2 hours. But during the work day its more challenging.
My Fit Bit has been a huge help for my lifestyle where I am gone for about 10 hours a day on an average work day. On the days where I just can't get to the pool or gym it motivates me to take advantage of my lunch break, spend most of my 15 minute break taking a walk and taking advantage of any other chance I have for a short walk.
What does this have to do with reading? I have learned to incorporate short walks into the course of my day when I do not have a block of time to swim or hit the treadmill. I realize that I can apply the same mentality to the commitment to read a full book during the work day.
I had two things to my advantage. For starters the haunted house plot is one I love. Shirley Jackson's Haunting of the Hill House and Stephen King's The Shining would definitely be included on my list of favorites. And I would describe the Graveyard Apartment as an urban Japanese version of the movie Poltergeist. A suspenseful plot I love really helps.
The second thing I have to my advantage is that I take the train to work and I do a lot of reading in my commute. However reading on a deadline made me more mindful of not taking too much time to check my email, my Facebook account and doing window shopping on Amazon. I just spent my time reading.
I generally try to have at least one break in my work day where I am not on my phone. But reading on my kindle app on a deadline is an exception. I usually make sure to get one 15-20 minute walk in during the day but skipping it for one day in favor of making sure to finish a book seems like an exception. When I am actually eating on my lunch I eat faster if I am not multitasking but today seems like a day where I can slow down to read and eat.

The biggest challenge was at the end of the work day when I boarded a crowded bus. I did not have the space to try to read and even if I did it takes all my energy to maintain my balance trying to stand during public transportation. I tried not to glare in envy at people reading books in their seats. I got off the bus a few blocks early I enjoyed the walk. I am not the type of person who can walk and read a book very well. I like to focus in my movements and surroundings.
But once I got a chance to sit down I finally finished this book. It was worth the reading marathon. Reading the book was already the reward. Nothing is more escapist than a psychologically thrilling haunted apartment. But when I heard a random noise in my apartment my imagination went wild.


  1. The genius of small morsels that accumulate -- reading, writing, exercise, or whatever. Thanks for the timely inspiration: I'm currently moving my office, and dealing with accumulation of another kind (old files, paper piles, outdated journals, etc. etc.) You get the picture. I'm try to get rid of the burden of this old accumulation so I can grab the morsels I WANT to chew! And, of course, reading fits perfectly here! I just handled every single book in my library, old friends and new acquisitions. I think I'll grab one now . . . we'll take a tea break together, before I attack the next pile . . .


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