His Unexpected Heir
"I can't believe that a trope where people get married because of a pregnancy still exists." I complained to my husband after finishing this book.
"Because you read them," he replied indicating that my purchase supports this market.
I purchased His Unexpected Heir by Maureen Child because harlequin announced that this was her 100th harlequin book. It seemed like a fun cheap thing to do. (Digital copies of Harlequin series romance are under five dollars)
While the book addresses the contemporary issue with the pregnancy with the protagonist acknowledging that there are single mothers out there her fathers child insists that they marry so the child could officially be in his family.
Brenda Novak's Until You Loved Me was a superior book about pregnancy making a couple fall in love with each other. The sexy hero was a NFL football star who wanted to be a good role model to teen boys and so what they pretended was that they had been dating for three years and they didn't rush into marriage.
But Maureen Child didn't close the bedroom door while describing the attraction between the characters. And there is something compelling about people who are already together growing to love and appreciate each other more. But knowing people who are successful single parents makes this kind of plot difficult for me to grasp onto.
This book's backstory was of a short sexy romance. And i would not have stuck with this book if it wasn't a short sexy book
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