Seductive Secrets

I felt extremely honored to receive a copy of Seductive Secrets directly from Cat Schield at the Royal Readers Event at Mall of America a few weekends ago.  This Harlequin Desire book does not release until October of 2019! It is the latest installment of the Sweet Tea and Scandal series that I have been reviewing.

The premise is that Lia Marsh gets mistaken for being the long lost granddaughter of Grady. Of course Grady is extremely wealthy and his health is ailing. His actual grandson Paul knows that Lia is not related to him and wants to reveal the truth. However, sparks start flying between him and Lia.

Lia has a very nomadic lifestyle and subscribes to a lot of new age beliefs. She works as a psychic and practices things like aromatherapy. In books that are not meant to be fantasy novels this can make the cynical part of my brain start to try to take over. However this was balanced out nicely with Paul being skeptical and not believing in magic. As the plot points relied more on the sex and scandal that ensued throughout the novel I found myself reminding myself that these points were not meant to be explored in any depth.

I do not go to reading fiction expecting doses of reality. In fact I know that one of the reasons why romance novels often snubbed is because people want to remind women that romance novels do not emulate what reality is actually like.  However one of the disservices that this does to women is that women know that they are not going to get a dose of reality when they pick up these books.  I reminded myself that I was not really seeking intellectual discourse as I read the book with the new age beliefs that Lia had. In fact it fit in well with her gypsy lifestyle. I was looking more for a short and sexy read. I reminded myself as a reader that I do not go to Harlequin romances for intellectual discourses, I go to them when I need a fun escapist read to give my brain a break. Seductive Secrets was a good vacation for the mind.

In my blog post on the Netflix series Stranger Things that escapist stories play a really important role for me at this point in my life as a happily married woman. The ongoing saga of being single was always difficult...but the promise of a new relationship was always hot and felt like quite an adventure. While I can attribute my reading this series quickly to how short and simple Harlequin romances are, I must say that this series met my need for a few sexy adventures before the summer comes to an end!

I am also posting a modified version of this review on Goodreads.


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