Paternity Pact
I do have to confess that I have a weakness for Harlequin romance novels. The very nature of the genre makes the endings of the books predictable (there is always a happily ever after or happy for right now ending). And Harlequin series romance novels have plots that revolve entirely around the romance. Since the novels are very short there is no time for developing secondary plot lines. But frequently characters that play a supporting role will get their own story in the next installment.
The criticism I have often heard about series romance is that the plots are constantly recycled. I could have a more philosophical response showing off how well read I am by citing Leo Tolstoy, "Happy families are all alike. Each unhappy family is unhappy in it's own way," before heading into a discussion on the psychological patterns of romantic relationships. But I would get to the point faster if I leave the part of my brain that likes to research everything behind and talk with my heart. This would be a wise decision to treat the romance genre fairly because it is a genre that is guided by matters of the heart. So I must frankly confess that reading Harlequin romances can serve as comfort food having a plot that I know will have a happy ending and plot points that make me swoon. Also, as I love supernatural horror and diving into more socially serious topics sometimes my mind just needs a short break and a short romance novel can add a variety to my reading habits, encouraging me to look at the world with rosy colored glasses for a little bit as I am taken into the journey of falling in love...which is a world where flirtation and sex are integral to getting to know a new person. Frankly even though that phase of a relationship is emotionally confusing at times it is also a very fun journey.
So I went into reading The Paternity Pact fully aware that due to the nature of the genre I have read this plot numerous times: a man showing up 5 years later after a 1 night stand and finding out that he had a son...and still plenty of sexual chemistry with mother if his child after years of not seeing her.
So I forced myself to ask the question of what makes this particular book fun to read. I realized Cat Schield's strength as a writer is making likable, emotionally believable characters in a story that sounds unbelievable. Wanting to be with someone who failed to tell you the truth about the consequence of a one night stand would feel shady in real life but Cat has a way of making me love the characters and rooting for them to get together. Also, I know I've said this before about Cat's writing style but I have to say it again: she pens sex scenes very well, which is always compelling in a romance novel!
This novel was everything it needed to be in order to provide satisfaction for me as a reader. It took me out of my own world and was enjoyable to read, even if i felt like i read the plot numerous times before....which is what successful Harlequin writers do.
Thanks to the author for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I am also posting a modified version of this blog post on Goodreads.
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