Can't Even: How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation
If you want to understand me please read the book Can't Even: How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation I would highly recommend this book! It explores a the history and changes in education and work that effect everybody but hurt millennials the most! As someone who is not a millennial but who finished graduate school when the economy spiraling downward i felt like it outlined a lot of the realities and struggles that I faced. It is also the first book to articulate a mentality about work that I've felt For much of my adult life--the negative economic realities of emphasizing work you "love" or feel "called" to do. Or the pressure to monetize a task that you do enjoy even if you want to have it as a hobby to be economically productive. Our culture's constant stress on productivity burns anyone out and this book does an excellent job outlining this! But the book goes beyond the productivity required from work on the discussions on things like technology and parenting. I appreciate how well researched this book is while still being written in an engaging matter. Yet with a topic like this, it cracks open a lot of other topics that deserve further examination in our current culture. I would definitely put this on my list of books to have someone read it they wanted to understand the realities I have lived with more! |
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