Goddess of Filth


I was really excited to read Goddess of Filth by V Castro and it was in my most recent Nightworms subscription shipment!!!!!!

After participating in a séance, Fernanda is possessed by some kind of spirit. Enlisting the help of priests and anyone else able to help deal with a possession; she begins a journey to get whatever it is inside of er unleased.

I loved the female perspective, so many coming-of-age books in horror seem to center around male adolescence. I love the way Castro depicts female adolescence.  Castro does not shy away from exploring female sexuality and desire on the page, which makes for not only a sexy read, but an empowering read as it highlights the sexual drives of young women.

And the supernatural horror has a fresh perspective! Beginning with a séance inspired by the movie “The Craft” and it starts out with a female centric sense of spirituality. Yet, the Catholic tradition is drawn deeply upon in this story highlighting the Hispanic tradition as well.  These points give this novella a very unique, much needed voice. 

I am also posting this review on Goodreads and an adaptation of this review on Amazon.


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