A Gift Of Death

I have a confession to make: I hate Twilight! A few years ago when a coworker asked me why I couldn't stand Twilight, I lowered my voice and said that I hated the fact that Bella couldn't fight for herself and wouldn't have sex with her vampire boyfriend without being married.

What does this have to do with A Gift of Death? I am wary of vampire fiction post Twilight. I loved Anne Rice and Buffy the Vampire Slayer but post Twilight I felt like a lot of vampire literature has just lacked bite. I won't go near it unless die hard horror fans recommend something.

A Gift of Death was definitely a breath of fresh air. I love a horror novella that I read in one sitting. This story  with the vampires was  explicit and gritty. There were descriptive depictions of sex, violence and rock and roll with a fast paced plot.

I enjoyed this vampire novel with mature themes quite a bit! I did have to hear other horror fans raving about it on Goodreads before I was confident the story wouldn't be annoying to me. As a horror fan I am giving it a stamp of approval!

I am also reviewing this book on Amazon and Goodreads


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