Warning: This review contains spoilers for Abby Jimenez's Friend Zone
I was VERY disappointed in the happily ever after ending in this romance novel. It wasn't the romance that fell short for me, I enjoyed watching the romance grow in this novel. Rather it was that the main character struggles with fertility throughout the book but winds up pregnant in the end. I understand that the author was trying to deliver an all around happy ending and based the story on her friend's experience. Infertility is something I'm currently struggling with, so I really was hoping that non conventional approaches to parenthood would be explored at the end. I am glad that I read the most recent installment in this series first because otherwise I may not want to read more of Jimenez's work. Her light rom com style is fun and a good break from the darker fiction I generally gravitate towards. But maybe it was too light of an approach for an issue weighs heavy on my heart.
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