Spicy Constellation and Other Recipes

May has been a very busy month for me.  I have transitioned from an early morning part time job into a full time business hours job. While this is a very welcome change, I do need to find new rituals for my reading and writing habits.  I found that using a 15 minute break during the work day for escapist reading helped me feel sane.  Short fiction is great for having brief periods of time to read during the day.

So I was thrilled that I had quality collection of short fiction on the Kindle app on my phone. I obtained my copy of Spicy Constellations and Other Recipes from the author Chad Lutzke in exchange for an honest review.  I was really excited for this advanced reader copy after loving his books Stirring the Sheets and The Same Deep Water As You.  I loved this new collections!   Lutzke’s dark sense of humor had me turning the pages quickly  Spiking chocolate milk in one story and referring to a burger as a “Child of God with cheese,” made me laugh.  These were definitely the kind of stories that helped me get through a really long day of work. I would highly recommend this book!  It appealed to my need to have something quick to read and my own dark sense of humor! I gave this book 5/5 stars on Goodreads.

I am also posting an adaptation of this review on Goodreads and Amazon.


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