When Lightening Strikes
I need to start out by saying that I usually enjoy Brenda Novel's novels. And when it comes to romance novels celebrity romances are one of my favorite tropes. With that being said in When Lightening Strikes, I had a really hard time getting past the fact that the marriage of convience was constructed as a way to redeem a celebrity male's reputation after a false accusation of rape. I know that false allegations of rape do happen from time to time but after the me too movement I personally really struggle with getting my head wrapped around this notion. It is an intriguing premise for a novel but romance doesn't seem to be a good genre to explore this kind of theme.
The book was published before the me too movement occurred and if it was published now the reason for a marriage of convience would be quite different. But after really loving Novak's latest book Bookstore on the Beach, I wanted to tip my toe back into her romances. Hopefully the other books in this series will stand the test of time a lot better!
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