Goddess Effect

I really loved the satiric spin that Goddess Effect had on wellness culture. Of course there is nothing new under the sun as it was reminiscent of Fitness Junkie (another book I really enjoyed). But I really love fiction that dives into beauty and wellness culture. Done well, it uplifts both the allure and the pitfalls of these aspects of reality. This book is a much lighter read than #Thighgap but still has a pretty dark twist toward the end. (Sppealing to my love of dark fiction)

As a huge fan of Amanda Montell's research on cultish behavior on her podcast Sounds Like A Cult and her book Cultish, i picked up a lot of cultish wellness industry vibes in this novel. This is definitely something that  avidly following Amanda's work has made me pick up on even before Sheilia Marikar mentioned cultish behavior more explicitly in Goddess Effect. So it was no surpise that Amanda did a book blurb at the front on this fun book! 

Goddess Effect is very fun and easy to read while being extremely critical of beauty culture. It solidifies that fiction can uplift a lot of the same points solid sociological literature can while still being entertaining. Definitely a great find on Kindle Unlimited!


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