I’ve read and loved a lot of Philip Fracassi’s short stories, so when I found out he was releasing a novel, it automatically became a HIGHLY anticipated book for me. I was eager to literally get my hands on a copy of Gothic.
I was nervous that a novel about the journey of a horror writer would be too reminiscent of Stephen King’s The Shining However Fracassi managed to write a very unique story while still giving a nod to King. Diving into the life of a writer naturally leads to reflections on the writing process and publishing industry that I appreciated.
There is a lot of religious imagery in this book as an altar plays a huge role in this story. The violence is beautifully choreographed with Fracassi’s use of language. Fracassi definitely writes the kind of sentences that the reader just wants to linger over, however the story is so intriguing and suspenseful that the pages keep turning.
I would HIGHLY recommend this book. I also have to give a shout out to the cover art by Kealan Patrick Burke. I definitely have a weakness for horror novels with great cover art and the art on the cover of this book is STUNNING! I originally obtained an advanced digital copy through Net Galley but I loved the cover so much that I wanted to hold a copy of it in my hands. The result was that I waited to read it until I was able to purchase a copy through Cemetery Dance Publications Fracassi’s writing style was definitely worth the wait!

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